Sunday, May 10, 2015

                                               Umbilical cord....
                                          From inception in the womb
                                     Cocooned and nurtured, the foetus
                                        Growing by the minute, the hour
She’s there, each time, everywhere
Out in the world, to suckle, to giggle and cry
Firmly snuggled in the lap of luxury
Overcoming every fear, with a lullaby
She’s there, each time, everywhere
The artist instils in me to clasp, to sit and crawl
And the first step to independence and separation
The guiding light ever watchful, and ready to embrace
She’s there, each time, everywhere
Inculcating habits, culture, religion and prayer
To sing, to dance and to emote
The craftswoman sculpting and moulding me to shape
She’s there, each time, everywhere
Me, the convoy just followed the escort,
Like a shepherd herding and tending
To study, to perform and act and enact
She’s there, each time, everywhere
The pied piper of my life, a ready reckoner
In the manual of life for all things good
To emulate, to follow and reproduce
She’s there, each time, everywhere
Creator, bearer, nourisher, protector,
Supporter, saviour, upholder and vindicator
The Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient
She’s there, each time, everywhere.

Salutations to my mother.....the mother of all mothers!

                 The verses tumbled out of my heart like a torrent, unstoppable and breathless. As my mother carries my heart always, I am in her academy of learning life’s lessons forever. She is a bank’s vault where in I have safeguarded all my thoughts, worries, hatred, sorrows, regrets and anxiety and in return have earned rich interest in the form of joy, happiness, courage, protection, intellect and vindication. A mother’s affection and endurance cannot be described in words and at each and every walk of life I feel it and look up to her in awe and admiration. Through thick and thin, my mother has faced it all but each time emerging stronger. She fought cancer like a warrior and came out victorious teaching me the meaning of will and determination in the process. My mother has an “expert’s” understanding and approaches life physically, mentally and spiritually. A typical day starts with reverence, bowing before the almighty and the Supreme Being, to make her day meaningful.
                     “Matru”, the Sanskrit word for mother has lent the word “mater” to Greek and “mother” to English, and thereby, the world has acknowledged the sanctity of the word and the source and glorified her presence in all texts. To describe my mother in a nutshell would be:-
 “Strong” which means she effectively encapsulates tenacity and resilience  
“Beautiful” as in exciting and admirable
“Intelligent” as she is able to understand and comprehend and make judgement
“Gentle” for being kind, caring and amiable
“Classy” as she is having the air of sophistication and refinement
“Sacrificing” for giving up so much so that her child could have as much!
I am what my mother made me and I am thankful for that!!!


  1. i get no words to express my feelings,very emotional. A true gift from daughter to her loving mother. Thank you Suni.I wonder am i that worth.I wish that you got such a similar compliments from your children.with love your loving ammai

  2. amma...words cannot express the feelings towards parents..
    So touched by your reaction. Thankyoi

  3. amma...words cannot express the feelings towards parents..
    So touched by your reaction. Thankyoi

  4. amma...words cannot express the feelings towards parents..
    So touched by your reaction. Thankyoi


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